In the works of Lord Tennyson, which type of tree is most frequently mentioned?
The rebellious Duke of Monmouth was found hiding under what kind of tree?
What kind of tree is the Martyrs Tree at Tolpuddle, Dorset?
The famous old tree at stock Gaylard is The Crusader ....?
The Weird Sisters (or Witches) in Macbeth lace their potions with slips of what kind of tree?
Yggdrasil, The World Tree of Norse mythology, is said to be?
Cricket bats are made from which type of wood?
The Robin Hood Tree in Sherwood Forest is called the Major ...?
The five mighty legendary 'bile' trees of ancient Irish legends were?
Four Oak and one Yew Three Ash and two Yew Three Oak and two Ash Four Yew and one Oak
The Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata) is a native of which country?
New Zealand USA Great Britain Australia
The famous old tree at Stock Gaylard is The Crusader ....?
The Indian Bean Tree (Catulpa bignonioides) is a native of which country?
India Jamaica North America Never Never Land
The Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) is a native of which country?
Spain North America Great Britain China
The Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a native of which country?
North America Houyhnhmn Land Great Britain Albania
The Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) is a native of which country?
The preferred wood for an English longbow was?
The rods used to hold long straw thatching in place are ideally made from?
The fashion for topiary in English gardens was originally introduced by?
Alan Titchmarsh William and Mary Queen Victoria Abott and Costello
The wood most commonly used to make an electric guitar neck is?
If you were sent out to do some snedding would you be?
Removing the side growths from trees felled for timber
Selecting transplants for hedge production
Cutting withies for basket making
Cutting foliage for animal fodder
The number of indigenous Birch species in this country is?
Historically, if you are in a church decorated with Yew foliage the time of year must be?
Christmas Easter Halloween Micklemas
The Red Oak (Quercus rubra) is a native of which country?
Russia North Korea China North America
The Snow Gum (Eucalyptus niphophila) is a native of which country?
Australia New Zealand Antarctica Peru
The Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) is a native of which country?
UK Chile Mozambique South Africa
The Common Laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides) is a native of which country?
Central America Central China Australia Central Europe
The Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) is a native of which country?
The Lebanon North America Russia Great Britain
When traces of wood in four large post holes dating from around 8000BC were found under the car park at Stonehenge what type of wood were they identified to be?
Oak Small Leaf Lime Scots Pine Ginkgo biloba
A Treenail is what?
a specal staple for attaching planted trees to stakes
a pin used to attach parish notices to trees
a wooden dowel or peg used to fasten two pieces of wood together
a protrusion sticking out from the base of a tree